Symposia > KuchinkeEmotion word processingChair: Lars Kuchinke Abstract: The processing of words with an emotional connotation has recently attracted much attention in emotion research and the affective neurosciences. An advantage of words as a unit of experimental research seems to lie in the fact that many of the variables that affect word recognition are known and can be controlled for. Different studies revealed influences of emotional valence (how positive or negative a word is) and arousal on the speed and the time course of word recognition. In a first study, Estes & Adelman examined the relationship between these emotional variables and show that both contribute in a non-independent manner to word recognition performance. Thus, the question is not whether the processing of emotion words differs from that of neutral words, but how and at which stage word recognition is affected. To investigate this question Méndez-Bértolo & Hinojosa additionally manipulated word frequency to functionally define the moment of lexical access. The results point to an involvement of attentional mechanisms at a late processing stage that are at a neural level often explained by back-projections from the amygdala to the visual cortex. But Kissler et al. show that the amygdala might play only a small role herein. While the Kissler et al. study also examined the modulation of neural activations by induced mood, the Herbert study reveals that words describing ones own emotion are processed differently in the brain. Finally, Kuchinke & Fritsch investigated how the emotional connotation of symbolic stimuli such as words may be acquired by learning associations to emotional contents. Talk 1:Contributions of Arousal and Valence to Word RecognitionZachary Estes1 & James S. Adelman2 1 Department of Marketing, Bocconi University, Italy 2 Department of Psychology, University of Warwick Common words such as “kitten” and “coffin” have emotional connotations that are often described in terms of arousal (from calming to exciting) and valence (from negative to positive). Moreover, these factors of arousal and valence are automatically detected, and they influence the recognition of and responding to words. Specifically, negative words such as “coffin” tend to elicit slower responses than positive words such as “kitten”, and arousing words such as “dead” tend to be recognized faster than calming words such as “sad”. However, the relationships among arousal, valence, and word recognition are the subject of much current debate. First, some argue that arousal and valence are independent factors, but others argue that they are inherently related. Furthermore, some argue that valence exerts a categorical effect on word recognition, such that moderately negative (e.g., “dirt”) and extremely negative words (e.g., “death”) are recognized equally slowly, whereas others argue instead that valence has a graded influence on word recognition. To examine (a) the relationship between arousal and valence in ordinary language, and (b) their independent and/or interactive contributions to word recognition, we aggregated emotionality ratings of over 10,000 English words and merged it with response times and accuracy rates in the lexical decision and reading aloud tasks (acquired from E-Lexicon). Regression analyses revealed that arousal and valence (1) are non-independent, (2) contribute uniquely to word recognition, and (3) exert graded effects on word recognition. Implications for neuroscience research are discussed. Talk 2:Effects of Word Frequency during the Processing of Emotional WordsConstantino Méndez-Bértolo1 & Jose Antonio Hinojosa2 1 Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Spain. 2 Instituto Pluridisciplinar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain. High frequency words are usually processed faster compared to those words that are less frequently used in a language. This word frequency effect has been demonstrated to modulate the processing of words with an emotional connotation. In this regard, several studies have reported an interaction between word frequency and affective content with behavioural and neural activity measures in word recognition. Despite methodological differences in the experimental parameters examined in these studies, it can be shown that some of the variables that affect the processing of emotional connotation were not adequately controlled in some of these studies. This might account for the lack of convergent results. In the present study we aimed at clarifying the effects of word frequency on the processing of emotional words. Event-related potentials were recorded while participants made lexical decisions on high- and low-frequency negative and neutral nouns. Those components that reflect interactions between word frequency and emotion were detected with temporal and spatial principal component analyses. Low-frequency negative nouns were recognized faster than low-frequency neutral nouns. Low- frequency neutral nouns also elicited reduced amplitudes in a late positive component compared to low-frequency negative nouns. No differences were evident between high- and low-frequency neutral nouns. In sum, these findings are discussed to reflect an involvement of attentional mechanisms during the evaluation of the lexicality of a presented letter string that facilitate the processing of low- frequency negative nouns. Talk 3:Effects of mood and emotional content on visual word processing – an fMRI studyJohanna Kissler1, Bianka Gerling2 , Reka Daniel2 , Claus Tempelmann2 1 University of Bielefeld 2 Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Compared to neutral words, processing of emotional words has been shown to be associated with distinct activity in the extended visual cortex as well as, less consistently, frontal cortices, the amygdala, insula and cingulate cortex. Some of the inconsistencies are likely due to task differences, others have been attributed to implicit effects of mood congruency. Here, we examine to what extent experimentally induced transient mood alters brain activation during processing of emotional and neutral words using a semantic monitoring task. Different moods states were induced following which participants were instructed to monitor sequences of positive, negative and neutral adjectives for occasional occurences of color adjectives. Effects of mood and word content were analysed, excluding responses evoked by color words. Analyses revealed robust effects of emotion on extended visual cortex activity for both positve and negative compared to neutral words. Overall, mood affected cerebral activity in the cingulate gyrus and an interaction between mood and emotional content occurred in the left fusiform gyrus. Amygdala activity could only be identified using a region of interest approach and only following negative mood induction. Across different mood states, findings confirm enhanced extended visual cortex activity in response to emotional compared to neutral words, underscoring the robustness of these effects, but partially also interacting with mood states. Although amygdala activity was identified, it was considerably less consistent than visual cortex activity, casting doubt on the idea that back-projections from the amygdala are an obligatory driving source of visual cortex activity in emotional word processing. Talk 4:Emotion processing and its regulation: What words can tell us about itCornelia Herbert Department of Psychology, University of Würzburg, Germany Emotion perception in self and others is important for successful social interactions. It is involved in the generation of subjective emotional experiences (i.e., feelings) and the regulation of emotions. Building upon previous research using verbal material for emotion induction the present studies investigated by means of ERP and functional imaging methods how emotional words describing the own emotion are processed in the brain and what the underlying mechanisms are. In association with this, we investigated if verbally negating the own emotion serves as an effective emotion regulation strategy when exposed to emotional facial expressions. The results allow a number of conclusions: During reading, emotional words describing the own emotion are more deeply processed compared to unreferenced or other-related emotional words. Second, processing of self-related emotional words increases activity in medial prefrontal brain structures involved in conscious emotion processing, whereas reading of emotional words, particularly unpleasant ones, leads to an increase in amygdala and insula activity irrespective of the word’s reference. Third, reframing one’s emotion by using negated emotional cue words decreases cortical processing of fearful faces and spontaneously triggers emotion regulation strategies that appear more closely associated with cognitive reappraisal than with emotion suppression. Theoretically, these findings support an embodied view of language. More specifically, they demonstrate that investigating emotional word processing in social contexts could tell us much about the neural mechanisms underlying the most private and subjective aspects of emotion processing, i.e., of emotional experience and its regulation. Talk 5:Processing emotional words and nonwords: an evaluative conditioning ERP studyLars Kuchinke12, Nathalie Fritsch1 1 Ruhr-University Bochum, Department of Psychology, Bochum, Germany 2 The Cluster of Excellence 'Languages of Emotion', Free University Berlin,Germany Numerous studies have shown that word recognition differs depending on the emotional connotation of a particular word. Emotional connotation, i.e. differences in emotional valence and arousal, have been shown to affect response times and accuracy measures in the lexical decision task and to modulate very early (80- 120ms; e.g., Hofmann et al., 2009) and later components of the event-related potentials (ERP). It is widely accepted that words receive their emotional connotation through the learning of emotional-semantic associations, but direct evidence for this proposal is lacking. To address this question we conducted an evaluative conditioning study using meaningless pseudowords. Participants learned associations between randomly selected 50 pseudowords and 150 affective pictures and between another 50 pseudowords and 150 neutral pictures on five consecutive days. Each pseudoword was associated with more than one picture and with different pictures (of the same connotation) each day to guaranty that only the emotional connotation and not a particular association to one picture was learned. This was tested in both, a subsequent ERP lexical decision study and in an explicit valence judgements task. The results reveal effects of learned negative connotations in pseudowords in early and late ERP components, replicating the effects known from word processing. These findings support the assumption of learned associations as the basis of a words' emotional connotation. Still, the nature of the very early effects that are most probably related to modulated attention to emotional (pseudo)words is in need of further clarification. |
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