Conference > Symposia
List of accepted symposia: - Developmental Affective Neuroscience. Sven C. Mueller (Ghent , Belgium)
- Emotions: Towards an integrated approach. Henrique Sequeira (Lille, France) & Salvatore Campanella (Brussels, Belgium)
- Perceiving and acting in a world with others: Social influence on sensorimotor processing as revealed by cognitive neuroscience, virtual reality and neuroimaging. Christophe Lopez & Patricia Romaiguère (Marseille, France)
- On the perception of the body from within and from the outside. Matthew R. Longo & Manos Tsakiris (London, UK)
- The asymmetry of attention in visual processing. Rolf Verleger (Lübeck, Germany)
- Advances in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Torsten Baldeweg (London, UK)
- Emotion word processing. Lars Kuchinke (Bochum, Germany)
- Face perception: insights into the visual, emotional and social brain. Nathalie George (Paris, France)
- Affective neuroscience: Far and pain. P. Pauli (Wuerzburg, Germany)
- The Neuroscience of Social Conflict and Action Monitoring. Leonie Koban (Geneva, Switzerland) & Elena Núñez-Castellar (Ghent, Belgium)
- Cognitive and affective neuroscience of aging. Michael Falkenstein (Dortmund, Germany)
- déjà vu, déjà vecu and other mnesic experiential phenomena. Emmanuel J. Barbeau (Toulouse, France)
- Stopping action and cognition. René J. Huster (Oldenburg, Germany)
- A question of time: subcortico-cortical interactions in speech processing. Sonja A. Kotz & Michael Schwartze (Leipzig, Germany)
- How does the brain process time? Jennifer Coull & Laurence Casini (Marseille, France)
- Basal Ganglia and Cognition. Wery P.M. van den Wildenberg (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) & Scott A. Wylie (Nashville, Tennessee, USA)
- Medio-frontal cortex: performance monitoring and beyond. Boris Burle (Marseille, France)
- Electro-physiology of language production: What are the questions and the challenges? Marina Laganaro (Université de Genève) & F.-Xavier Alario (Aix-Marseille Université & CNRS)
- Social cognition across development and pathology. Bruno Wicker (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS)
- Emotion dysregulation in psychopathology: cultural, cognitive and neurophysiological processes involved. Caterina Lombardo & Cristiano Violani (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
- Communicating brains – from one-brain neuroscience to two-brain neuroscience. Silke Anders (Universität zu Lübeck) & Thomas Ethofer (University of Tübingen)
- Alexithymia (“no words for emotions”) and its Link with Social and Cognitive Neuroscience: Evidence from Basic and Clinical Research. Beate M. Herbert (Eberhard-Karls-University Tuebingen)