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Deep-Brain Stimulation Improves Overriding but not Re-engagement of Actions in Parkinson's Disease Wery van den Wildenberg, K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Nelleke van Wouwe, Alex Lubin, Andrew Siegel, Theodore Bashore, Scott Wylie
The Role of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Multiple Alternative Perceptual Decision Making revealed by 7T Structural and Functional MRI Birte Forstmann, Robert Turner, Leendert van Maanen, Rafal Bogacz, Andreas Schaefer, Jane Neumann, Max Keuken
Deep brain stimulation impairs on-line executive control in Parkinson's disease patients Frédérique Fluchère, Boris Burle, Franck Vidal, Jean-Philippe Azulay, Thierry Hasbroucq
Cognitive functions of the rat subthalamic nucleus Christelle Baunez
Dopamine Agonists and the Suppression of Impulsive Actions in Parkinson's Disease Scottf Wylie, Wery van den Wildenberg, Richard Ridderinkhof, Daniel Claassen