Few studies have explored morphological processes during language production
by means of ERPs. Instead, language production studies have applied
paradigms that rely on meta-linguistic judgements. However, these are often
difficult to use when exploring special populations such as children. Here,
we applied the delayed vocalization paradigm. In this paradigm, participants
see a cue that prompts them to silently produce their response before
articulating the response out loud at a later point in time. Thus,
event-related brain responses can be time-locked to the cue that requests
silent production of participants. This allows studying speech production in
a natural-like setting with many different populations, as the task is easy
to understand and perform. In the present study, we applied the delayed
vocalization paradigm to investigate the ERP-correlates associated with the
production of English regular and irregular past forms in both adults and
6-to-12-year-old children. The 3rd person present form was used as a control
condition as this is the same in both regular and irregular forms. ERP
results revealed a more negative-going waveform at frontal and central
electrode sites for regular past forms when compared to irregular past forms
starting approximately 200ms post silent production cue onset. There was no
difference in the present form condition. These results demonstrate that the
delayed vocalization paradigm successfully captures differences between
regular and irregular past-tense formation in real-time language production.